Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Will you be an Organ Donor?

I always had a wish to register myself as an Organ donor but I was not knowing the preceedure to do. All of a sudden in the year 2015 I saw an ad in Time Of India newspaper regarding​ Organ donor registration. I took that as an opportunity to register myself as an Organ Donor. Soon after registration they sent me an Organ donor card. I always have that card in my purse.

Though I know the real fact, I was not able to convince my mind fully about fact that after death i will not be able to feel anything including the pain. One incident which happened in my life changed my mindset totally. 

I wish to share that incident here. That was one fine Saturday morning, we started from home after breakfast. All of a sudden I felt dizzy and fainted on the road. I was unconscious for about 10 minutes. When I opened my eyes I was sitting in an auto then my husband narrated me the whole story. That 10 minute was totally blank for me I was not able to recollect what had happened  to me and I was not able feel anything in my body. With the timely help of so many my husband was able to put me inside an auto. 

The thing what I wanted to say from the story is brain controls everything in the human body if brain becomes inactive then our body becomes totally passive.

So register as a Organ Donor even if we are dead our organs live.

What is organ donation ? Removing one or many organs or tissues from a dead or alive person for research or organ transplant operation is called organ donation.

Person who donates the organ becomes DONOR and who receives becomes a RECIPIENT. Donor can be a living donor or a dead donor.

What all can a living donor donate ? Living donor can donate one kidney and/or part of liver.

What all can a dead donor donate ? From a dead donor brain, heart, pancreas, bone, eyes, skin etc can be harvested.

Harvested organs are used for transplants or in research fields.

Everyday lot of people are losing their life with out getting a proper suitable donor organ.

Don't let your organs to rot instead sow them on someone 

Donating eyes brings sight , donating organs brings life.

Do watch my Organ donation speech in Tamil in YouTube

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What did I do to find out my baby's gender when I was pregnant

I was super excited when I realized that i was pregnant. I had very severe vomiting for about 3.5 months ie from 50 days to the end of 5th month. In that period I lost about 5kgs and I was not able to gain weight till the end of 5th month. I was literally not eating at all. Even if I drink water I use to puke.

What ever be my condition I never missed to do one thing i.e baking soda test. I use to do this every month after my 2nd trimester. 

Baking soda test helped me to find my baby's gender when baby was in my womb.

In India it's illegal to determine the sex of fetus so doctor's don't tell us about the sex of the unborn after an ultrasound test. Whereas in Western countries doctor's will reveal the sex of the baby to the parents after the 5th month ultrasound scan. Ultrasound scan results are 100percent accurate in finding the sex of the unborn baby. 

I was very eager to know my baby's gender so I read lot of articles about finding unborn baby's sex. There I saw more than 10 tricks to find baby's gender  but nothing was convincing except baking soda test and Chinese gender prediction calendar. 

May be in my future blogs I will discuss in detail about Chinese gender prediction calendar. 

So what is baking soda test? How to do that test? Baking soda test is nothing but the reaction between baking soda and pregnant mother's urine. If there is no reaction in the mixture then it means mother is carrying a baby girl. If the mixture fizzes, then it means the mother is carrying a baby boy. 

To do the test, take 1 table spoon of baking soda in a bowl add about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of urine if the combination fizzes you can expect a boy baby. If it doesn't then girl baby. I cannot tell you that this method is 100percent accurate in finding fetus sex. What I can tell is it worked perfectly for me. 

Everytime I do the test, I was able to see the fizzy thing on the mixture.  The result was true in my case I had a baby boy. 😊

Do watch this video
I hope this article will be useful for many!!

Educate both ( girl and boy). Teach a boy to respect a girl. Teach the importance of family and family values than teaching them the ways to earn money. Allow the kids to learn on their own because nature is the best teacher always be by their side to guide them. 

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

How to reheat cooked food(s) using a pressure cooker

Major issue in today's world is fresh water crisis. Not only humans and animals need water, plants too need water for their growth and to produce food. No water is equal to no food. So please don't waste water. If you have any leaking taps at home, please replace that as early as possible.

 So now let me come into the point. We make super delicious foods at home, eat to our fullest and what about the leftover food are we going to waste that food? No, don't waste that food, give that food  to someone who can't afford  to buy such foods or store it in the fridge and use it for the next day. My advice would be cook less and finish off on the same day. Why I say this is Everytime we reheat the food we are going to lose it's nutrients.

Let me tell you how I reheat my cooked food(s) in pressure cooker. Pressure cooker saves lot of time and fuel. With the use of a pressure cooker we can reheat more than 1 item at a same time.

Do watch this about reheating of food(s) using pressure cooker

Procedure for reheating food(s) in pressure cooker
Add half a cup of water into the pressure cooker
Place the 1st inner vessel with a food inside the cooker and close that 1st inner vessel with it's lid.
Place the 2nd inner vessel with a different food on top of the 1st inner vessel and close with the lid.
Similarly we can stack multiple vessels inside the pressure cooker.
Close the pressure cooker with it's lid.
Place the pressure cooker with stacked inner vessels on the stove.
Let the stove be in high flame till we see the steam in the vent pipe.
Let the pressure cooker be in reduced flame for 2 to 5 minutes. Time duration depends on the number of stacked inner vessels.
Switch off the flame
Open the pressure cooker and slowly remove the inner vessels. Be very careful while taking out the inner vessels.

Now our reheated food is ready to be served.

Don't put on the cooker weight while the cooker is steaming

Energy can't be created once depleted so don't waste fuel(form of energy) by cooking in open pots / vessel.

Stay tuned to know more about pressure cooker cooking.

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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Easy method to season a old rusty iron cookware

       Actually in Indian homes iron cookwares are passed on from one generation to the next generation because iron cookware last for generations.
       After my grand mom demise i took her iron wok which she used for many years. Condition of the wok was very rusty. So i thought i should clean and season this iron wok before i use that for cooking.
      Here in this blog i will explain you how i cleaned and seasoned that iron wok.

Method which i used for cleaning and seasoning a old rusty iron cookware
1, Salt scrubbing- used 1 spoonful of sea salt to scrub the surface of the wok (repeat this step until visible rusts are removed from the surface)
2, Washed the vessel with a metal scrub and a washing liquid
3, To remove the moisture i placed the washed vessel on the stove top
4, Applied oil all around the vessel - applying oil prevents corrosion
5, I didn't disturb the oiled vessel for few hours
6, I have repeated the step 2 to 5 for 4 times.

After all this cleaning, scrubbing and oiling my wok looked completely perfect. I made 1 small dosa(Aapam) to check my wok. Dosa came out well without sticking on the surface of the iron wok.
So my iron wok is ready for making super hot dishes..

Do watch this video to get the practical feel of cleaning and seasoning a old rusty iron cookware

Method to Season a new Iron cookware
1, Wash the vessel
2, Heat the vessel
3, Apply oil all around the vessel
4, Don't disturb the oiled vessel for at least couple of hours
5, Repeat the steps 2 to 4 for 3 or 4 times

Traditional Method for seasoning a iron vessel
1, Soak the vessel in rice starch water
2, Wash the vessel
3, Dry the vessel
4, Apply oil
Repeat the steps for twice or thrice until the vessel is perfectly seasoned

Maintenance for iron cookware
1, Wash the vessel after every use
2, Dry the washed vessel( put under sun or heat the vessel)
3, Apply oil
Now it's ready for next use.

Benefits of using a Iron cookware
1, One time investment, once bought it will last for generations
2, Good for Anemic people
3, Wel seasoned vessel acts like a non stick
4, Uniform heat distribution

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

How to cook Starch free rice in Pressure Cooker ?

Traditionally in India open pots were used to prepare foods. Cooking in a open pot consumes lot of fuel and takes lots of time as well.
Whereas cooking food in Pressure cooker saves time and fuel.

Procedure to make starch free rice in pressure cooker

Pour some half a cup of water in the pressure cooker

Place the cooker on the stove top

Take a inner vessel, add washed and soaked rice.

For normal pressure cooking of rice we use the rice water ratio 1:2, but for starch free rice cooking we need to add in some extra water ie the ratio can be 1:3 or 1:4

Place the inner vessel inside the pressure cooker and close the inner vessel with it's lid

Close the cooker with it's lid and place it's weight on top

Depending upon the quality of rice decide the whistle count.

For example,
           If red rice (Kerala matta) is used go for 3 whistle in high flame and reduce the flame completely & keep for 5 more mins.
           If normal white rice(Tamilnadu ponni) is used go for 3 whistle in high flame. Once we hear the 3rd whistle switch off the flame

Don't disturb the cooker let the pressure cooker depressurize on its own.

Remove the inner vessel from the pressure cooker. Be careful while taking out the inner vessel.

Drain the excess water.

Excess water contains starch and now starch free rice is ready to be served.

Do check this video to get the practical view of cooking starch free rice in pressure cooker

While cooking white rice 3 whistles​ in high flame is enough to cook the rice. After 3rd whistle don't reduce the flame if white rice is kept in lower flame for longer period (I mean 2 mins or so ) rice starts to absorb the excess water and becomes mashy and sticky.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Achumuruku/ Rose cookies/ Achappam full recipe

Ingredients required to make Achu Muruku
1, Raw rice (4 cups)
2, Egg (1)
3, Sugar (3/4 to 2 cups) depending on the      family needs
4, Cow milk / Coconut milk (1 to 1¹/² cups)
5, Oil to fry

Clean and soak the 4 cups of raw rice for 2 hours

Grind the soaked rice along with milk, sugar and egg

Batter should not be very thin or very thick. Consistency of the batter should be like dosa batter

Heat the oil in a kadai

Once the oil is really hot dip the Achappam mould in the hot oil.

Take the mould from the oil and dip in the batter. Don't dip fully leave some space in the mould.

In a matter of 10 or 20 secs, Rose cookies slips down from the mould  into the oil.

Once it becomes lil brown take out from the oil

Repeat the steps 5 to 8 to make more achumuruku

Hope you will all love this recipe. Do share ur comments and suggestions
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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Easy Aapam recipe No yeast No cooking soda Aapam

Aapam which I made for breakfast. Aapams wer perfect. I have not used yeast or cooking soda to rise


Ingredients used:

Raw rice (2 cups)
Grated coconut (3 to 4 Tablespoons)
Urad dal(1 Tablespoon)
Fenugreek (1/4 Teaspoon)
Matured coconut water (1/4 cup)
Cooked rice (1 handfull)

Method :

Wash and soak rice with urad dal and fenugreek for 3 to 4 hours

Grind rice, urad, fenugreek along with grated coconut , coconut water and cooked rice.

Add salt

Allow the batter to ferment

Heat the Aapa kadai

When the kadai is  hot pour the batter and swirl the kadai

Close the kadai with a lid. Let it be in medium flame for 1 min.

Take out from the kadai and serve with coconut milk

Give me ur comments / suggestions reg this recipe

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How do I(Indian housewife)plan my household works? A simple work plan

Once planned it's easy to work. This 1 is a simple plan which I follow and will follow. I hope this article will be useful for Home Makers

I do all my household works. I don't have a maid to do my works. My husband and kid helps me in doing my works.

Teach the kids(boy and girl) to do some lil basic wrks. Teaching the kids to do some work is easy, once taught they will enjoy to do the wrks. Many kids love to play in water, use that as an opportunity to teach them washing clothes. Many kids loves to do real time cooking that time please do allow them to cook. Let them cook under parents supervision. Ask them to make dosa , bread toast, spread oil in idly plate etc.

So now let me come into the topic. Works, How do I work, I have split up my work as daily works and once in a week works. In daily works I do cooking, cleaning vessels and broom the floor. In once in a week work I do washing clothes by hand, mopping the floor, cleaning the toilet & bathroom, grinding idly dosa batter using grinder. So there is just 4 jobs and the remaining days if I wish I will do cupboard organizing, fridge organizing etc. Mostly I don't take my works to Saturday & Sunday. Weekend is totally for family.

So will I be allow to do all this works when I become old? Definitely not.. As we grow older our body will not help us to do most of the works so that time how can we do our household work is what I am going to discuss now. Cooking is compulsory but cleaning vessels we can make optional I mean whenever we need a vessel we can wash and use, remaining let that be in sink. When ever required we can do the brooming work.
    So now I will tell you the alternatives for weekly once work. Instead of cleaning the toilet we can use toilet pods while is available online and easy to make at home as well. Instead of grinding the batter in grinder we can use mixie to grind. Washing machine can be used to do washing.

What I have shared in this article is my own plan. If u find this article interesting and useful then do give me ur comments.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Natural way to get rid of early gray hair

I started getting gray hair when was in school. Every Sunday I use to apply oil to my scalp and take a bath. While applying oil I use to pluck my white hairs too because many were saying there is no cure for gray hairs.
Days were running and got married. After marriage number of white hair actually increased. I stopped to pluck my white hairs too. I was actually not happy with my white hairs because I was not able to style my hair.
Then what I did to my hair was I just stopped applying shampoo. Before hair wash I use to apply oil on my scalp and leave for 1 hour. After 1 hour I will take a bath without applying shampoo. After hair washing I will dry my hair. When I am half done will comb my hair. While combing all the dirty items from hair goes into the comb. So hair is finally clean without shampoo and from 100's of white hair now i have just less than 10 white hairs. For this transformation it took just 2.5 years. I hope this will be useful for many young people suffering from gray hair problem .

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Will you be an Organ Donor?

I always had a wish to register myself as an Organ donor but I was not knowing the preceedure to do. All of a sudden in the year 2015 I saw...