Sunday, May 21, 2017

How to reheat cooked food(s) using a pressure cooker

Major issue in today's world is fresh water crisis. Not only humans and animals need water, plants too need water for their growth and to produce food. No water is equal to no food. So please don't waste water. If you have any leaking taps at home, please replace that as early as possible.

 So now let me come into the point. We make super delicious foods at home, eat to our fullest and what about the leftover food are we going to waste that food? No, don't waste that food, give that food  to someone who can't afford  to buy such foods or store it in the fridge and use it for the next day. My advice would be cook less and finish off on the same day. Why I say this is Everytime we reheat the food we are going to lose it's nutrients.

Let me tell you how I reheat my cooked food(s) in pressure cooker. Pressure cooker saves lot of time and fuel. With the use of a pressure cooker we can reheat more than 1 item at a same time.

Do watch this about reheating of food(s) using pressure cooker

Procedure for reheating food(s) in pressure cooker
Add half a cup of water into the pressure cooker
Place the 1st inner vessel with a food inside the cooker and close that 1st inner vessel with it's lid.
Place the 2nd inner vessel with a different food on top of the 1st inner vessel and close with the lid.
Similarly we can stack multiple vessels inside the pressure cooker.
Close the pressure cooker with it's lid.
Place the pressure cooker with stacked inner vessels on the stove.
Let the stove be in high flame till we see the steam in the vent pipe.
Let the pressure cooker be in reduced flame for 2 to 5 minutes. Time duration depends on the number of stacked inner vessels.
Switch off the flame
Open the pressure cooker and slowly remove the inner vessels. Be very careful while taking out the inner vessels.

Now our reheated food is ready to be served.

Don't put on the cooker weight while the cooker is steaming

Energy can't be created once depleted so don't waste fuel(form of energy) by cooking in open pots / vessel.

Stay tuned to know more about pressure cooker cooking.

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