Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What did I do to find out my baby's gender when I was pregnant

I was super excited when I realized that i was pregnant. I had very severe vomiting for about 3.5 months ie from 50 days to the end of 5th month. In that period I lost about 5kgs and I was not able to gain weight till the end of 5th month. I was literally not eating at all. Even if I drink water I use to puke.

What ever be my condition I never missed to do one thing i.e baking soda test. I use to do this every month after my 2nd trimester. 

Baking soda test helped me to find my baby's gender when baby was in my womb.

In India it's illegal to determine the sex of fetus so doctor's don't tell us about the sex of the unborn after an ultrasound test. Whereas in Western countries doctor's will reveal the sex of the baby to the parents after the 5th month ultrasound scan. Ultrasound scan results are 100percent accurate in finding the sex of the unborn baby. 

I was very eager to know my baby's gender so I read lot of articles about finding unborn baby's sex. There I saw more than 10 tricks to find baby's gender  but nothing was convincing except baking soda test and Chinese gender prediction calendar. 

May be in my future blogs I will discuss in detail about Chinese gender prediction calendar. 

So what is baking soda test? How to do that test? Baking soda test is nothing but the reaction between baking soda and pregnant mother's urine. If there is no reaction in the mixture then it means mother is carrying a baby girl. If the mixture fizzes, then it means the mother is carrying a baby boy. 

To do the test, take 1 table spoon of baking soda in a bowl add about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of urine if the combination fizzes you can expect a boy baby. If it doesn't then girl baby. I cannot tell you that this method is 100percent accurate in finding fetus sex. What I can tell is it worked perfectly for me. 

Everytime I do the test, I was able to see the fizzy thing on the mixture.  The result was true in my case I had a baby boy. 😊

Do watch this video
I hope this article will be useful for many!!

Educate both ( girl and boy). Teach a boy to respect a girl. Teach the importance of family and family values than teaching them the ways to earn money. Allow the kids to learn on their own because nature is the best teacher always be by their side to guide them. 

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